Saturday, November 15, 2008

Our computer nerd

Here is Mac playing on the computer. He picked it up so fast! I bought him a little game that teaches shapes, colors, abc's, etc. Now he has graduated to games on,, nick and He wants to sit there all day long. He hits a snag everyonce in awhile and will ask for help. His little mind is like a sponge. I hope he is smart in school and goes to college.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Mac had a good time once they persuaded him to go Trick or Treating. He let Kate and Johnny spray his hair silver and he dressed up as Grandpa. Johnny bought him a pirate costume, but once he got it home, Mac wouldn't even try it on. I don't know what John Wayne went as, because they went in Williamsburg by themselves and we didn't even get to see him. But, they did the same thing last year. I didn't even get a picture of him last year and I guess I won't this year either. Am I griping? I guess I am. Here are a few pictures I took of Mac. Johnny carved a big pumpkin and then soaked 2 rolls of toilet paper in kerosene overnight. He set it on fire last night. It looked really spooky!

Friday, October 17, 2008


Kate & Mac are making sugar cookies. Mac's eating the cookie dough as soon as he cuts it out!


Went to the mill yesterday to get caught up on bookwork. Took some pictures of the new mill. Teaney Construction did the concrete work. John is very happy with it. Here is a picture taken from one end. It really looks big in there, but once the machinery is put in place, it will look alot smaller.

Monday, October 13, 2008


We have a virus on the other computer and I have been fighting with it for hours now. I called our computer guy and he said to go to and get spybot search & destroy. I scanned it once and then restarted it again. Now it is scanning again. I hope it can find that pesky little virus!

They poured the floor in the mill today. I didn't get to go down there and take pictures because I was fighting the virus. I'll try tomorrow.

After Shelly's girls saw the jibjab thing I did for Alisa, I had do one for Emma too.

Update......Spybot got rid of some of the threats, but the trojan horse was moved to the virus vault by my virus program, AVG. Thank God!!!


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The weekend

John went to Louisville to a trade show. I was supposed to go with him, but after I got a shower I was weak, (typical of MS), so I told him to go on without me. Besides, I am up and down all night and that's kind of hard to deal with in a hotel room.

Mac and Kate both have colds. Mac ran a fever last night. She might take him to the doctor this morning if she can get an appointment.

I was surfing the internet and went to I know that Shelly's little girl, Alisa, loves High School Musical, so I put her picture in the little video. I hope she likes it. I think it's cute.

Alisa's High School Musical

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Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Nothing new here. John Wayne is here today and we are trying to keep them entertained. One minute they are prentending they are "Grandpa and Uncle Johnny", and the next they are coloring. It's pretty fast paced around here.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

More of the same

John & Mac
Kate sprayed Mac blue
Mac loves to get dirty
Kate took Mac to Shaw Farms yesterday

I went to the mill yesterday to do the monthly statements. I took a picture of the new mill. It's coming right along. John said that they will pour the floor next week.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

At the mall

While Kate was shopping in J.C.Penney's, I took Mac to the little play area. Here is a picture of him doing what he does best.

It doesn't matter whose kid it is, they all do it!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Nothing new

Yesterday I went in to work. Just another day. I took a picture of the new little auger that John plans to use in the mill. He has a plan all mapped out in his brain. Everything will be push button. No more climbing up and dumping ingredients into the mixer.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Trusses are installed

Here are a few pictures of the trusses being installed. I hope you can see them. It was sunny when I took the pictures and I couldn't get a good shot.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Things in general

Just wanted to get this going. I am always behind in trying new things these days. The feed mill rebuild is going nicely. They have finished the block construction and the trusses are to be delivered today. I took some pictures in the early stages. It's going to look totally different than the old feed mill.

Also, a photo of the boys and the new view of our house minus the trees. I should've mentioned that the tree at the corner of our driveway blew down last Sunday and tore down the electric and cable wires from the house. Andy showed up that day and the other tree was cracking down low and we were afraid it would fall on the house, so they tied a cable to it and cut it down too. Now we have no shade. Bummer. I guess we will plant some more trees and have to wait another 20 years for some good shade!