Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Carney Christmas

Everything went well. The food was good, the kids had plenty of places to run, upstairs and downstairs. The adults had room to spread out. It was nice. Here are a few pictures.


Denise said...

Thanks for the pictures! The kids sure are getting big! What no adults? LOL! Let's see the adults too (including you) if you have some pics.

I just noticed your link to Hogue Prophecy. I read a little bit of it. Very interesting! I'm not sure what I think about the Nostrodamus aspect and prophecy but I tend to agree with his views about the world being a more peaceful place once there is a " a new humanity" without all the religious labels. Alas, in my experience, I don't personally know many people willing to think for themselves or beyond their upbringing and religious training. It will take something very major to happen in order for most people to question the status quo or begin to begin to investigate themselves and their reactive minds/ emotions. Where are you on all of this?


Denise said...

We showed your blog to Barb and Chrissy while we were over there today for Jesse's birthday. They really got a kick out of the jib jab videos!

Pam C said...

I'm glad they enjoyed them!

Denise said...

I got your response about HP. I like your philosophy! I agree that not judging can sometimes be difficult. So do you think something will happen in 2012? I haven't read a lot about it, just what I've seen from time to time on TV. If so do you think it marks the end or a huge shift/ change in a more peaceful direction? If I remember correctly the Bible says there will be a new heaven and earth not the end. I'm interested to hear your view since you have studied it.

I hope you have a nice day!


Pam C said...

I don't know if something will happen. Nostradamus, the Mayan Calendar, and Edgar Cayce all thought something would happen. But, Edgar Cayce said that the future could change. That it was sort of flexible depending on the collective conscience of humanity.

The Bible says that the first cleansing was by water, and the next one would be by fire.

My kids would tell you that I am a nut and buy into everything that comes along, but I like to listen to all views.

Basically, it's a waiting game. For the next generation, I hope the world is a better place. No wars, poverty or famine.

Denise said...

Sorry, I missed your last comment until today.

I don't think you're crazy or buy into just anything. That's not very fair! No one knows for sure what tomorrow will bring. It's interesting to hear what others believe or predict. I also hope the future is more peaceful for the generations to come.

History shows itself to be cyclical though. So I tend to think all the ups and downs are to be expected. We've for instance had global warming before as well as ice ages. What we are experiencing may just be the natural way of things/cycling for the earth. There have been many natural disasters (volcanoes, floods, etc.) all over the earth through out history as well as the worldwide one that obliterated the dinosaurs. Peace and war also seem cylical. We can see this just by looking at the short span of US history (relative to the rest of the world's nations) not to mention world history! So I tend to think what we are going through is just part of downtrend in a cycle.

But who knows, there could be a supernatural happening on the way! I'm not willing to dismiss this possibility. I don't think there is much we can do about it if that is the case. But it's still very interesting to speculate!

I hope you are doing well today!
