Friday, January 23, 2009

The works continues

Went to the feed mill today and sent Amanda over to take some pictures. They still don't have electric. Duke sent out a crew a few days ago but they said that the pole for the transformer was rotten. Now, we have to wait until Monday for the new pole. Who knows how long it will take for them to send the crew back out to get the electric hooked up. John estimates that it will be another 2 weeks until it is operational.


Denise said...

That's a bummer about the electric being delayed. But it sure looks like it will be nice place to work for all of you once you get it! I'm excited! Everything is so shiny and new! Are they going to dust every day to keep it that way? LOL!

That is good pic of John. I've always thought that he has a nice smile and a pleasantness about him.

Keep us posted. We'll show this to Barb and Jim and everyone this weekend when we get together for Jimmy's birthday.


Pam C said...

Johnny said that Duke Energy came today, set the pole and got the mill hooked up!

This rebuild has been hard on John's blood pressure. They finally have it under control again. Now the doctors are wanting to put him on anti-depression medicine. I don't know if that would be good for him.

My doctor put me on it once. It was a time-released capsule. I was supposed to take a half dose for a week and then switch to the full dose. The very first day I felt very weird and threw them away. It took 2 days to work it out of my system. No wonder people commit suicide while on them.

Denise said...

I'm sorry this happened and it has been so hard for him. I can totally see that there would be a lot of stress involved. I hope he feels better soon since the rebuild seems to be in the home stretch now unless I'm mistaken.That's really exciting about the electric getting finished today!

It's hard to say about the antidepressants. There seems to be a lot of trial and error involved in finding the right medication and the right dosage. It seems to be such an individual thing. My Mom has taken zoloft for years for anxiety and depression. She tried other prescriptions before that until she found zoloft worked for her. Ever since then the dosage has been closely monitored. Sometimes she takes a bit more or less depending on what is happening in her life. She has tried to go off off it with her drs supervision but the anxiety comes back. So it seems she will most likely always need at least a very low dose. I think you did the right thing in not continuing that med if it made you feel funny/worse instead of better. I understand your concern for John taking that kind of medication but it may help him.Sometimes a person can only tough it out for so long. He would just have to really pay attention to how it is affecting him and respond accordingly. I wish him the best. I really hate that he doesn't feel well.

Talk to you later!