Friday, January 30, 2009

Snow & Ice

Help! We're sick of this weather! It's pretty to look at, though.


Denise said...

I agree! It is really pretty!

Ohio is much prettier than Indiana. I miss the hills and all of the trees. I wish I was there, snow and all!

I hope everyone is doing OK.


Pam C said...

We're ok. My mom's electric was out and she has my niece and her 2 kids living there, so they packed up and came over here. They had to spend one night here. Sarah's oldest son is 5 and was pretty good even though he is adhd. Mac didn't handle it too good. He bit Zack two times. He doesn't like to share. He also doesn't have the opportunity to play with other kids, besides John Wayne. I wish he didn't start biting. I think he gets so frustrated when he can't control a situation and he doesn't know how to handle it, so he resorts to biting or hitting. I hope it's just a faze and he learns to cope before he goes to preschool. Kate hopes to get him into Headstart this fall if she can teach him to wipe his own butt!

Hope all is well with you and yours!


Denise said...

I'm glad to hear everyone is all right.

I'm sure Mac biting is just a phase. We all know what it is like to be frustrated and not be able to do/ know how to do anything about it. Just imagine being his age and feeling that way! I can't believe it's all ready time for him to go to preschool!

All I can say on the butt wiping is good luck! Oh those were the days! I have one that shall remain nameless that took a long time to get it done well. I sure am glad we're finished with that.

We're all fine here. We're getting ready to go over to Barb's for Jimmy's birthday dinner in a little bit. She's making chicken and noodles! YUM! I'll post pictures soon.
